package ie.moguntia.webcrawler; import ie.moguntia.threads.*; import*; import*; import java.util.Vector; public class PSuckerThread extends ControllableThread { public void process(Object o) { // The objects that we're dealing with here a strings for urls try { URL pageURL = (URL) o; // See if it's a jpeg, mpeg or avi String filename = pageURL.getFile().toLowerCase(); if (filename.endsWith(".jpg") || filename.endsWith(".jpeg")|| filename.endsWith(".mpeg") || filename.endsWith(".mpg") || filename.endsWith(".avi") || filename.endsWith(".wmv")) { filename = filename.replace('/', '-'); filename = ((URLQueue) queue).getFilenamePrefix() + pageURL.getHost() + filename; System.out.println("Saving to file " + filename); try { SaveURL.writeURLtoFile(pageURL, filename); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Saving to file " + filename + " from URL " + pageURL.toString() + " failed due to a " + e.toString()); } return; } // If it's neither a jpg nor some text, it's not interesting. String mimetype = pageURL.openConnection().getContentType(); if (!mimetype.startsWith("text")) return; String rawPage = SaveURL.getURL(pageURL); String smallPage = rawPage.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", " "); // treat the url a a html file and try to extract links Vector links = SaveURL.extractLinks(rawPage, smallPage); // Convert each link text to a url and enque for (int n = 0; n < links.size(); n++) { try { // urls might be relative to current page URL link = new URL(pageURL, (String) links.elementAt(n)); // If layers are not used, write everything into same layer if (tc.getMaxLevel() == -1) queue.push(link, level); else queue.push(link, level + 1); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // Ignore malformed URLs, the link extractor might // have failed. } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // process of this object has failed, but we just ignore it here } } }